Detailing Services
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Professional Products * Professional Service * Commercial * Residential

We offer a wide range of detailing services. Starting with a plain outside wash to cleaning your motor, ( top and bottom! )

GENERAL WASH - Hand wash, hand dry.

BASIC WASH - Power wash, hand scrub, hand dry.

DELUXE WASH - Power wash, hand scrub, hand dry, vacuum interior, windows in/out and shine tires.

INTERIOR DETAIL - Vacuum ( trunk included ),clean seats/condition leather, shampoo carpets ( floor mats included ), clean and shine all interior plastics and clean windows.

OUTSIDE WAX - Power wash, hand dry, hand applied wax or use buffer, clean tires and rims ( remove break dust ) and polish. Polish all outside chrome and clean windows.

FULL DETAIL - Our full detail package includes all of the above except for cleaning the seats.

If you are wanting just one thing or two done to your vechiel that is fine, we have a price breakdown for everything. Call us to get a quote for the service you would like, 1-937-465-0222.

Now servicing, R.V.'S, Boats and motorcycles.

For your convince we offer a pick-up and delivery service drop off or by appointment. We look foreward to hearing from you. Thanks for stopping by.

